Most Common Dental Allergies – Allergic Reactions to Dental Materials
Many of us have experienced allergies in our lifetime. But what if you don’t know if you have an allergy? That happens often at the dentist’s office. Many times our patients are not aware of one of these allergies until after the dental procedure. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of common dental allergies that we’ve seen in our office. By creating awareness of these dental allergies, we can work with you to identify triggers and safeguard your health and comfort.
Latex allergies can trigger reactions ranging from mild itching to severe difficulty breathing and even anaphylaxis. Since latex is often found in standard exam gloves, the gloves worn by a dentist or hygienist could set the stage for a dental latex allergy issue. Fortunately, the fix is simple. Alerting your dentist before your appointment gives them a chance to ensure that they have latex-free supplies on hand.
Have you ever had a piece of jewelry that left you feeling itchy? Nickel is often the culprit, and piercings can increase your risk of problems. Mercury, copper, and chromium may also cause problems in some sensitive individuals. These metals can be used in fillings and other types of dental work. What about a dental implant allergy? It’s possible, but it’s unlikely. Most dental implants are crafted from titanium, and titanium allergy is rare. If you do find yourself battling a titanium implant allergy, you may be one of the unlucky few who is allergic to this metal.
Resins are used for a variety of purposes in dental work. Unfortunately, some of the mixtures of chemicals in certain resins can be a problem for a few patients. If you discover that you’re having a problem with a particular filling or a specific piece of dental work, be sure to alert your dentist. Once they know, they can help you find an alternative solution. They can also work with you to avoid problematic material in the future.
Local Anesthetics
Lessening pain during a dental procedure is a good thing. Spurring an allergy attack isn’t. Unfortunately, reactions to dental anesthesia do happen. While the anesthetics themselves generally aren’t the actual root of the problem, they often contain additives that can set off an allergic reaction. For some patients, it’s the epinephrine that’s added to extend the effect. For others, it’s the preservatives. Thankfully, severe reactions to dental anesthesia are rare. If people have a reaction, they generally experience anxiety, swelling at the injection site, or prolonged numbing.
Discovering that you’re allergic to dentures seems like a nightmare scenario. Don’t panic. Dentures are a major investment in your health and appearance, so the concern is natural. Take time to investigate the possibilities so that you can determine your best path forward. It may be that you are allergic to either a metal or resin that was used in the construction of your new dentures. However, it’s more likely that a product that you’re using like an adhesive or cleaner is causing the problem. Reach out to your dentist for guidance and advice. They’ll probably suggest that you try changing the products that you’re using. They may also recommend allergy tests to rule out a metal or resin allergy.
If you have any of these known allergies, let us know. We’ve worked with lots of patients who have had these allergies. We can help you find alternate dental materials to give you your best smile.
At Wekiva Dental, the safety of our patients is always a top priority. If you have any concerns about dental allergies, don’t hesitate. Let us know. Reach out today to schedule your next appointment with Wekiva Dental.
Posted by
Danielle Brambila
on Nov 8th, 2022
1:47 pm
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